We decided to reduce our carbon footprint on the planet, by expending a little bit more on our packaging, and being able at the same time to simplify and improve it.
Instead of a transparent plastic box and an exterior carbon box, from now, you'll receive a better recycled carton box. A beautiful one, that you can even recycle for your use. Remember the 3R's: Reuse-Reduce-Recycle
What are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint?.
sabato 30 giugno 2012
giovedì 28 giugno 2012
lunedì 25 giugno 2012
Take care of your sup and...save your board in style!!!
RailSaverPRO.com is here to save your board in style. RailSaverPRO.com is a rail saver for your Stand Up Paddle board that comes in two pieces of semi-rigid PVC, with nice designs and color combinations to fit the style of your board. High-tech and design for your board.
Paddle blades are hydrodynamically designed to be as efficient as possible and you want to keep their efficiency. When by accident the paddle blade impacts the rail of your board, it can be easily damaged. You have three options: Try to forget about you new board being chipped, protect you paddle blade thus losing a great amount of efficiency or as we view it, protect your board with a rail saver, and to do it professionally and in style, do it with RailSaverPRO.com
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The classical damm chip at the rail of your Stand Up Paddle Board |
Our rail saver are made from a semi-rigid 380 mi PVC, with a lenticular pattern surface that is highly resistant to impact and abrasion. It has a good ability to adapt to simple curves and allows repositioning, thus facilitating placement.
The lenticular pattern allows to reduce thickness to the minimum without affecting impact resistance, and this reduced thickness together with a rough surface allows for unnoticeable drag.
Want to keep as high as possible the reselling value of your Stand Up Paddle board? Have a look at used boards with beaten and chipped rails. What would be the value of this board compared with another one with brand new rails?. Save your board and do it in style.
And we offer stylish designs and color combinations.
For info or orders contact me on surf@enricowave.com or directly contact@railsaverpro.com and say that you have known the Rail Saver Pro through my blog www.enricowave.com !!!
giovedì 21 giugno 2012
mercoledì 20 giugno 2012
Jim Drake 1929-2012
Sharing the post of Funboardmag:
Jim Drake 1929-2012 | Funboardmag.com | Il sito italiano di riferimento per il windsurf
Abbiamo appena appreso una triste notizia. Oggi è scomparso all’età di 83 anni Jim Drake, il co-inventore del Windsurf.
Le nostre più sentite e sincere condoglianze vanno alla famiglia Drake e alla Starboard.
Le nostre più sentite e sincere condoglianze vanno alla famiglia Drake e alla Starboard.
Questa notizia mi rattrista profondamente, se Jim Drake non avesse inventato quel fantastico piedino d’albero snodabile che permise la nascita del windsurf, la mia vita sarebbe stata profondamente diversa, sicuramente anche quella di tutti voi che amate questo sport.
La passione per il windsurf, tutte le incredibili esperienze che ho avuto grazie a questo sport, le amicizie fatte, i viaggi, le persone incontrate nel cammino, le lotte e anche le sfide, le sconfitte, la mia passione che è poi diventata un vero lavoro, tutto questo e tanto altro forse ora non esisterebbe senza la straordinaria invenzione di Jim Drake.
La passione per il windsurf, tutte le incredibili esperienze che ho avuto grazie a questo sport, le amicizie fatte, i viaggi, le persone incontrate nel cammino, le lotte e anche le sfide, le sconfitte, la mia passione che è poi diventata un vero lavoro, tutto questo e tanto altro forse ora non esisterebbe senza la straordinaria invenzione di Jim Drake.
Vi lascio con il commento di Svein Rasmussen e per oggi non ci saranno altri articoli pubblicati su questo sito.
Grazie Jim…
In memory of Jim Drake
“Jim Drake changed the lives of millions of people and will continue to do so.
Windsurfing has made people experience the wind, waves and water in new ways.
The sport has made converts travel and even settle on the opposite side of our planet.
The sport has made converts travel and even settle on the opposite side of our planet.
His spirit was always to include everyone and especially women and kids into windsurfing.
Jim and his wife Sam spent years with us in Thailand developing designs and strategies to
increase the popularity of windsurfing. He was always optimistic and especially happy to
challenge the status quo. His view on “one design” versus free choice of windsurfing gear
for the Olympics was well known. His designs, like the Formula 175, the worlds most winning
race board ever took competitive windsurfing to a new level.
Jim and his wife Sam spent years with us in Thailand developing designs and strategies to
increase the popularity of windsurfing. He was always optimistic and especially happy to
challenge the status quo. His view on “one design” versus free choice of windsurfing gear
for the Olympics was well known. His designs, like the Formula 175, the worlds most winning
race board ever took competitive windsurfing to a new level.
Jim was an early adaptor of paddle boarding and he has helped design a number of winning
designs like the K15. Some of his later designs are still being tested and his ideas on the future
of paddle board designs may soon be shared.
designs like the K15. Some of his later designs are still being tested and his ideas on the future
of paddle board designs may soon be shared.
He had so much more to give and reminded us on how precious each hour of life is.”
Svein Rasmussen and the Starboard family.
Rail Saver Pro - June 2012 Ambassador
I am proud to announce that the Rail Saver Pro has chosen me as June 2012 ambassador for one year!
You can follow every update, every test and get a preview of all products also on www.enricowave.com, and follow the clips on my Video Zone; contact me on surf@enricowave.com for info, for tips and for touch the products of Rail Saver Pro!
This is the communication of the Rail Saver Pro Founder Carles Carrera:
Hi Enrico,
We'd love to have you on board as an ambassador. If you want to join,
you'll receive new RailSaverPRO products to test, and promote as well as current
RailSaverPRO products.
In exchange, we only want you to LOVE our products as much as we do, and
promote them on the net (facebook, your site, vimeo, etc...).
What do you think?
Carles Carrera
Sono fiero di annunciare che la Rail Saver Pro mi ha scelto come ambasciatore di Giugno 2012 per un anno!
Potrete seguire ogni aggiornamento, ogni test e conoscere in anteprima tutti i prodotti anche su www.enricowave.com, e seguire le clips nella mia Video Zone; contattatemi su surf@enricowave.com per info, per consigli e per toccare con mano i prodotti Rail Saver Pro!
Questa la comunicazione del Rail Saver Pro Founder Carles Carrera :
Hi Enrico,
We'd love to have you on board as an ambassador. If you want to join, you'll receive new RailSaverPRO products to test, and promote as well as current RailSaverPRO products.
In exchange, we only want you to LOVE our products as much as we do, and promote them on the net (facebook, your site, vimeo, etc...).
What do you think?
Carles Carrera
martedì 19 giugno 2012
Refurbished Surfdei...
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