domenica 7 settembre 2014

Ahora sí, llegamos à México!!!

05.09.2014...somewhere in Riviera Nayarit, México
Por fin hemos surfeado!!!
Primera surfeada con el nuevo RRD Cosmo Sup 8'0"
Cosmo Sup: más ancho, más accesible, pero increíblemente radical! Misión imposible lograda!
La línea de tablas totalmente desarrollada por Antoine Albeau.
Pronto aquí, en México!!!

sabato 2 agosto 2014

My New Life in México

Ciao a tutti!
Dal 10 luglio vivo in Messico, quindi tutti i prossimi post racconteranno in parte quello che sto facendo e quello che si deve fare per vivere qua, ed in parte luoghi, spot e onde di questa magnifica parte del mondo!

Hello everyone! 
From July 10 I live in Mexico, so all the next posts will talk about some of what I'm doing and what you must do to live here, and some places, spots and waves of this magnificent part of the world!

Hola a todos! 
Del 10 de Julio vivo en México, así que todos los próximos posts hablaremos de algo de lo que estoy haciendo y de lo que debe hacer para vivir aquí, y de algunos lugares, de los spots y de las olas de esta magnífica parte del mundo!

martedì 18 marzo 2014

Standup Journal - Sup Photo Of The Year Contest: March Edition

Oggi Standup Journal ha pubblicato la mia foto, giudicata la Favourite photo of the Day, nel Sup Photo Of The Year Contest: March Edition!!!
Oltre 250 'Like' ... Sono entusiasta!
Grazie ragazzi!
Se volete aumentare il mio punteggio, andate a cercare la mia foto nella sezione March 18 Sup Photo Entries, fate clic su di essa e date il vostro prezioso 'Like'

Today Standup Journal published my photo, judged the Favourite photo of the Day, in the Sup Photo Of The Year Contest: March Edition!!!
Over 250 'Like' ...I'm stoked!!!
Thank you guys!
If you want to increase my score, go to find my photo in March 18 Sup Photo Entries, click on it and give your precious 'Like'

Hoy Standup Journal publicó mi foto, juzgada Favourite photo of the Day, in the Sup Photo Of The Year Contest: March Edition!!!
Más de 250 'Me gusta', estoy feliz!
Muchas gracias a todos!
Si usted desea aumentar mi puntuación, vaya a encontra mi foto en March 18 Sup Photo Entries, haga clic en la foto y pone su preciado 'Me gusta'

mercoledì 11 dicembre 2013

Rail Saver PRO renews ambassadors!

At Rail Saver PRO, we do not invest in publicity, we do not sponsor professional athletes, all our marketing budget is reduced to being sure our products are the best in the world, that our service is the best in the world, and supporting ambassadors.

What is an ambassador? 
Someone that loves the sport, loves the ocean, our products, that is a friend of her/his friends, that is active in the local community and that is avid on social media and online. If you fit it, we want you. 

In the meantime, while we wait for you, we're renewing our trust in our best ambassadors:

Joan Bonet Rail Saver PRO ambassador on a wave

Enric Maria Marcaccini Rail Saver PRO ambassador on a wave

Trevor Tunnington Rail Saver PRO ambassador on a wave

Fabrizio Gasbarro Rail Saver PRO ambassador and his quiver

martedì 8 ottobre 2013

Rail Saver PRO reduced drag

When developing the surface of rail protection we opted for the lenticular pattern surface in order to be able to reduce weight without losing protection capabilities, and to simplify installation, as it allows for better fit on difficult surfaces.

But at the same time, in order to reduce drag to the minimum.

For Carles, founder of and former motorcycle development engineer and weekend racer, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics are a key factor. But we didn’t developed anything new, we got the inspiration from nature on how to use rough surfaces to reduce drag. For example, shark skin benefits from the rough surface to reduce vortice formation typical of smooth surfaces, resulting in water moving more efficiently over its skin:

This was copied later on swimming suits, with the incredible results we all know, that even forced international organizations to ban them.

Another classical example is the golf ball effect. Have a look at how more efficient a rough surface is against a smooth one:

And of course we were not the first ones to apply it to technical products where drag is key:

We’re yet to prove it scientifically (we would need a robot paddler, and a long swimming pool), but we’re sure our rail protection won’t make you loose any second. So stop looking for excuses, and train hard.

Going even further we could affirm that our rail savers will make you faster … but we won’t.

sabato 15 giugno 2013

B&b Hibiscus - Cagliari

Eccomi qua, bellissima ospitalità all'Hibiscus B&B.
Amici, relax e posto splendido...
Presto foto e rece, intanto...godetevi il sito

martedì 9 aprile 2013

RailSaverPRO Ambassadors

We have two new ambassadors in the family:
Roberto Conti-Vecchi, from Mexico,
Nick Cattaneo, from UK.
Let's spread the word, guys!

venerdì 29 marzo 2013

Some advertising...2

Vendesi tavola sup Bic Jungle convertibile in windsurf 
Pagaia non compresa, ma la trovi su !!!

Lungh.: 10'10'' / 330 cm
Largh.: 28'1/4 / 72 cm
Spessore: 13 cm
Vol.: 175 L

Prezzo Killer!!!

€. 270,00

lunedì 25 marzo 2013

Some Advertising...

Vendesi n. 8 sacchi fit-boxing con zavorra.
In blocco o separatamente.
Euro/cad. 50,00
Per info: 0721.804038
Massimo Garattoni c/o Wgym